Friday, August 9, 2013

Worthy of Worship

Many, if not most people say they believe "in God." This is usually thought to mean that they are religious and have faith in a higher being. I am pretty sure this is bunk, but its a commonly held feeling. There are many gods for folks to believe in, and for the most part they (the gods) hate each other and all too often provide an excuse for their followers to kill non believers. Since no gods can be proven to exist, the belief in them is essentially a man-made fiction, one could even say a scam. If money is the root of all evil, what then is religion? Which has led to more death and destruction? Was there ever a one hundred year war over money?? Why do so many people believe that we can talk with snakes, and do what they say??
Personally, I think there are some pretty cool things about religion. I love the God Show put on each Christmas eve at the Basilica of Sts. Peter and Paul here in the Quaker City; the place is beautiful, the choir and singing are lovely and the archbishop has a very slick hat. But when I was six no god would help me tie my shoes so there you have it. If you live in a city or big town, at some time you may have been, or will be, accosted by religious folks who feel the need to talk to you about some god or another. If you can't get rid of them by keeping your feet moving and a smile on your face, just refer to god in the feminine and they will stop cold in their tracks.
I feel humankind would be much better off if everyone venerated some thing, person or group that provides tangible value and makes the world better for all.
Personally, I venerate municipal trash collection folks. They do not demand offerings, but take all those that we give them. They perform reliably (here every Thursday). They do not visit wrath upon us. When it snows, they clear the streets. Their care for us is unconditional - they take the trash from saints and sinners alike. We don't even need to pray for them to show up - they just give us the joy of taking the crap out of our lives every week.
On their best day, no religion or mystical god can beat these guys.

Courtesy of the Sanitation Division of the Streets Department of the City of Philadelphia, 4th section, also known as "Home of the Motivators"



  1. I have to say you have always been truly a great storyteller and now we have this blog!! What could be better! Love, love it! Thanks Dave!! Tell Connie hey also and thanks so so much for the Jersey Red!! Moss you guys from Texas!!
