Thursday, August 15, 2013


Those that know me have heard a lot about the many things I view as scams, so I will start to detail them from time to time, perhaps too often.
Lets start with the best scam ever perpetrated on our continent - that would be BOTTLED WATER.
(In my hometown its often called "wooder"). "Purified" and "Spring Water" tend to make weaker minds think that there is somehow something special about many brands of bottled water. Somehow folks think that up in some bucolic forest there are people in loin clothes gathering water from springs and gently putting it in crappy plastic bottles. Or maybe forest nymphs are the ones. I think this is because too few people have ever spent time in a modern factory or seen a bottling plant in action. While in fact all (or almost all) rivers start as springs somewhere, there is no spring on earth that could feed a even a modest bottling plant. So forget "Spring Water" - it does not happen.
What does happen is municipal water is supplied to bottling plants. No bottled water in this country comes from a non municipal source. It goes into big vats where it basically sits for awhile  (this has been called "reverse osmosis"), and then in gets put in bottles which are shrink wrapped and out the door they go.
So its tap water. Not some of it - all of it.
Bottled water is more expensive than gasoline. A gallon of water from my tap costs about a penny. A gallon of bottled water from the lowest priced on line offering from today is $3.40.
Some folks whine about the taste of tap water. They forget that the pipes into and inside their houses can crap up municipal water. Put a pH meter under the tap for a few minutes and watch the pH change.
But its so convenient! No its not. In a developed country its just plain stupid to lug water around like starving people in deserts someplace. That's why they invented pipes and pumps.

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