Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Hate Filled Bits of Evolutionary Garbage

Sometimes bits of information coalesce into brilliant ideas.
Here is one of the info bits, from niece Betsy. Betsy does social work in Denver, and has discovered over time that whenever she has to extract kids from abusive homes in which a dog is present, the dog is always a Chihuahua. Not sometimes; not often, but always.
Another bit of info: from elsewhere I learn of neighborhoods in Arizona and perhaps other places, being over run by packs of these mongrel creatures.
A third bit: my Abby is going on a cruise after she graduates college. I know this because I am paying for it, otherwise I would just wonder where she is.
From these bits, a brilliant idea:


Communities with too many of these hate filled bits of evolution's garbage could capture them and supply them to cruise operators, claiming they are sending them to beautiful places. Once on board, passengers would be able to sign up to hurl these doglets into the ocean. Toss out some chum, and when the sharks begin circling near the ship, and heave ho the rat dogs. Points could be awarded for hurling style and distance. Catapults or bats could also be used. It could, possibly, become a recognized sport.
Remind me to write about Rat Eatin' Frogs someday...

: .


  1. I think you may have touched a nerve. See here how these cute lil doggies are cherished:
    And in fact, I have gotten into the spirit and have written a final stanza to the poem on the left, referenced in the link.

    Our wee puppy friend, so hairless and vile,
    Has been overpraised, as high as the sky.
    But o'er the blue blue waters and low-lying isle
    With a powerful fling, yelping he'll fly.

    Please also note that my rhymes are abab not abcb, which is totally candy-assed, like the pup.

    1. Outstanding! Good to see you made it back home OK!
