Saturday, September 21, 2013

Best Way to Enjoy the NFL

As a rule, I have long thought that the frenzy accompanying professional football is wasted energy. I can't remember when I last watched a pro game, and the idea of paying a hundred bucks to attend one is beyond my pale.
But at half time during the recent Fildelfya Iggles loss to Kansas City (and the Iggles former coach Andy Reid) my Connie decided to follow the Live Chat on I admit that I may be the last person to discover this, but the Live Chat, at least in the City of Brotherly Love, is top drawer entertainment. At half time the messages came in at a rate of about one every two seconds - the little beeps they make coming in made a music of sorts. The pace did not slow down when play resumed, but kept up steady as a drum beat in a march.
Each nuance of every play is reflected in comments, most dripping acidic criticism of players and coaches, regrets about team changes and simple phrases that for the most part included the word "suck." Even better, some of the commenters used names of past football greats as tags (I think that's what they are called) - so you get to hear from Roman Gabriel and Chuck Bednarik among others.
No ads or interruptions, no obnoxious fans - just a continuous stream of mostly hilarious venom. And its free!!
My favorite - "the birds are a field of geese."

1 comment:

  1. if the local team didnt suck it wouldnt be fun...fortunately not a problem in the near future
