Sunday, January 19, 2014

Made in the USA

We should all be grateful that our country does in fact produce a lot of real good stuff even though we suffer greatly from excessive noxious winds. For some time I have been trying to buy US made stuff and have found it well worth my while. Why this last bit is centered, I do not know..
Take clothing.
Most recently I have been able to replace crappy undos that fall down over my butt with fine products called "Wickers", made in New Hampshire. Much, much better! Socks? Get "Wigwams", they are even better than John Deere (bet you didn't know about John Deere socks, that's what you get for shopping at el cheapo stores..).
Best work clothes in the world? Get them from "Prison Blues", made by inmates in Oregon prisons. Forget your Carhart double knees, made who knows where.
Speaking of work stuff, LL Bean's boots, made in Maine - the only footwear I would compare to my old USMC boots. Also from Maine, real boat shoes by Rancourt in Lewiston. Costs more, worth more - my kids will throw these out when I am gone!
Read Boat Shoe - Navy Bulldog
I just got a union made jacket, made in the USA, seventy five bucks. Warmest I've ever had, go and try to get something this good at your local big box. Good luck. And if you patronize Bill's Khakis of Reading PA, not only will you get trou built like a brick shit house, they will send you catalogs with Bill being ever so rugged, suave and debonair all at the same time.
Remember, you get what you pay for!!!

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