Friday, August 15, 2014

A Real Crappy Doglet

There are all too many little dogs, or doglets, around theses days. They are not really dogs, more like defective cats. And it seems they are all spoiled rotten and generally nasty.
Here we see a guy who was trying to walk a doglet, which sat down every two yards and would not budge until given a treat.
This guy could easily hurled this useless creature down the sewer inlet, or simply hurled it across the street. Or he could have taken off the leash and left the mutt there to be rescued by some youthful pretty young thing. But no, he just fed the mobile garbage and very slowly progressed to his abode.
The other day I happened to look in the paper ads about pets. Hard to believe that people pay hundreds of dollars to own living excrement. They probably also have black appliances and granite counter tops....

1 comment:

  1. Do you wonder how these execretions are bred in the first place? A cross between a dog and a hamster? Someone had fun, anyway.
