Monday, June 23, 2014

But is it really Art??

So while heading off to New York to visit offspring, gazing out the train window, we caught the work shown below, just past the yards of AMTRAK's 30th Street Station in the Quaker City. Look closely, and especially the person in the center. And the adjacent title to his right - "SZONE". Clearly this mural was thoroughly planned and laid out.

Now lots of folks feel that anything called "graffiti" is a disgrace to our society, damage to property and generally an outrage. Unlike murals which appear here and there sponsored and executed by respectable citizens and organizations, much street art is really stupid and ugly.
Some street art, however is worthy of admiration. Enlarge this picture and check out the expression on the guy's face - a perfect rendition of the expulsion of viscous matter by rapid pressurization. And note the man's eye, following the trajectory of his discharge, making sure it is accurately delivered to some unshown target.
Think also about the logistics of creating this painting. Along railroad tracks carrying AMTRAK and SEPTA trains night and day, some within inches of the painter's canvas. And how much stuff the artist had to lug to the site, probably a couple of gallons of paint at least. One must admire the courage and stamina of the artist, regardless of one's opinion of his (or hers) artistic accomplishment.
This piece is so much more than a simple scribbled tag. It is a true work of art. If it was just some crappy graffiti it would look like this-

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