Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Happy Holidays!??

So here it is this year, the time after Thanksgiving, when we used to say "Merry Christmas" to just about everybody. But today we mostly don't. We offer banalities instead, most commonly, "Happy Holidays". Why is this?
To the mild of mind, saying "Merry Christmas" to anyone that does not believe in it is supposedly an insult. Since they are not of the Christian faith, they will have a crappy day on Christmas, so why rub it in?  Or logic similar, and all too widespread.
This is utter nonsense. I don't believe in the virgin birth any more than I believe that Adam and Eve chatted with a snake. Its all quite silly to me, yet I always have a delightful time at Christmas once I get over grousing about all the shitty junk we squander our money on for young people. In fact I enjoy the midnight mass at Sts Peter & Paul, its a grand god show. So why are non Christians doomed to have a lousy day on December 25th? No reason at all. Why should we not wish Moslems, Jews, Bahais, Buddhists, Confucians, Jews, and everybody else a merry day? In fact they should have an even merrier day than Christian folks, since they get a day off and don't have to waste their time racing around like rabbits buying crap young people forget in an hour or less.
So here it is, for everybody, have a damn fine MERRY CHRISTMAS! And if you are so inclined, go find a snake and ask it about them apples....

1 comment:

  1. Good for you. Once Christ was exterminated from Christmas, people began to whoop it up. As I read on NPR: 'Some religious leaders think this development is not necessarily a bad thing. "Christmas was, from the beginning, both holy and horrible, sacred and scary," says Amy Laura Hall, a professor of theological ethics at Duke University. Referring to the biblical account of Jesus Christ's birth in a stable, she says, "There isn't an easy way to make it all hygienic, because the incarnation mixes God up with sheep poop and sinners."'
