This is utter nonsense. I don't believe in the virgin birth any more than I believe that Adam and Eve chatted with a snake. Its all quite silly to me, yet I always have a delightful time at Christmas once I get over grousing about all the shitty junk we squander our money on for young people. In fact I enjoy the midnight mass at Sts Peter & Paul, its a grand god show. So why are non Christians doomed to have a lousy day on December 25th? No reason at all. Why should we not wish Moslems, Jews, Bahais, Buddhists, Confucians, Jews, and everybody else a merry day? In fact they should have an even merrier day than Christian folks, since they get a day off and don't have to waste their time racing around like rabbits buying crap young people forget in an hour or less.
So here it is, for everybody, have a damn fine MERRY CHRISTMAS! And if you are so inclined, go find a snake and ask it about them apples....
Good for you. Once Christ was exterminated from Christmas, people began to whoop it up. As I read on NPR: 'Some religious leaders think this development is not necessarily a bad thing. "Christmas was, from the beginning, both holy and horrible, sacred and scary," says Amy Laura Hall, a professor of theological ethics at Duke University. Referring to the biblical account of Jesus Christ's birth in a stable, she says, "There isn't an easy way to make it all hygienic, because the incarnation mixes God up with sheep poop and sinners."'