Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Too Much Technology "Lite"

Lately I have come to feel that we are misusing the term "technology." All over the place its used to describe what really amounts to mostly useless tweaks to computers, which even though we carry them in our pockets today, are not new any more, they were invented in 1947.  Even the New York Times "technology" section mostly describes what really amount to titillating toys that enable the mild minded to pass time gazing at glowing screens or spreading useless personal information about themselves or what they ate for lunch. You can even blab at folks and watch them endure your boring yammering. Worse yet they may even be interested in your yammering since the glowing screen has removed them from the real world in which thinking is so often useful or required.
Its mostly nonsense, and it is a lousy excuse for "technology". In the early days of television folks used to hope for a vast educational asset but what we got is mostly a barren wasteland full of night soil of the mind. Similarly "edu apps" are promoted as helpful to "digital natives" (these are young kids whose lives are impoverished by early access to pads and pods and other such junk - I actually heard this bullshit on NPR today) who will in all likelihood grow up unable to boil water or rake leaves. Or care about the world they take up space in.
We were supposed to have bullet trains and personal jets and X-ray glasses. That's technology! All we got are crappy little gizmos that waste our time.

1 comment:

  1. I'm pretty sure that this post was not written on an iPhone... or was it? Me, I'm fond of crappy little gizmos and have plenty of time to waste. Wouldn't mind some X-ray glasses, though.
