Thursday, August 22, 2013

American Salafis - "..their number is negligible and they are stupid

American Salafis - “...their number is negligible and they are stupid.”

Awhile back, the folks that drink too much tea were very agitated by immigration, which they want to not reform but spend lots of other peoples’ money on. Now they want to defund “Obamacare”, the understanding of which eludes them completely. And before all this they wanted to reduce the deficit by strangling the government that feeds their constituents (did you know that Mississippi gets 53% of its state government revenues from the feds? Do Pennsyltuckians know that figure for the Keystone state is 37%? Likely not.)

Since as a nation we are far too backward to have single payer health care like the grown ups, we have stumbled with great difficulty to the Affordable Care Act, known to the weak of mind as “Obamacare”.

This is not new. Today we call the clutterers of our nations’ progress “Tea Party” people. They used to be the “Silent Majority”. In an earlier age they were known as “Know Nothings.” They have been with us always, guided by mythology about earlier times when we were all real independent, strong people who could care for ourselves. When most of us did not live past 50 and we lived in squalor free from running water, roads or electricity. They forget that their dependence on government largesse begins when their tires touch a paved road.

They are not much different from the Salafis, Sunni Muslims that believe themselves the only correct interpreters of the Koran and consider moderate Muslims to be infidels; they seek to convert all Muslims and to insure that a fundamentalist version of Islam will dominate the world. Drink tea and move backward.

 Like Salafis, many of our elected “public servants” seek to make sure all of us are as degraded as they are, and that the hands of the clock be turned back.

President Eisenhower, an astute Republican, when discussing conservative efforts to abolish Social Security, eliminate labor laws and farm support programs, had this to say to his brother “...their number is negligible and they are stupid.” [Read this and more in “Eisenhower in War and Peace”, Jean Edward Smith, Random House 2012]

How sad that today their number is no longer negligible.

1 comment:

  1. a scholarly notch blog entry ole fella
