Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Crap Free (not free crap)

To the tune of "Born Free", the one about the lion-

Crap free, as all of the junk goes
More free as the pile grows

Crap free as I empty our house
This is about the wondrous joy brought about by getting rid of a lifetime (or even more than one life time) of accumulated stuff. Actually, its mostly crap, since only my things are "stuff" and others' is "crap".
Since I have been in the old manse for 35 or so years, an extraordinary amount of crap has accumulated, mostly not of my doing. Now its just Connie and me here so of late an unending stream of crap and some stuff is flowing out. Pictures of long dead family nobody remembers, old 45 rpm records, unopened boxes of games, bags of bags, my old man's hospital bed (had to be dismantled), the stupid black recliner and the ugly chaise lounge are but highlights of the exodus underway. Only the departing books give me some sadness, but nobody wants most of them so out they flow.
Where does the crap go? Metallic crap goes to the curb where its promptly picked up by our loyal bands of scrappers. Some goes out with regular trash on Thursdays. And some I haul to a place sacred to me, one our fair city's four municipal dumps open to the public. Few things in life give me as much joy as tossing crap into the maw of the trash truck and watching it get crushed to oblivion.

Whatever enters there will never haunt me again, its gone forever.

The dump also has special places for scrap - it contains a chair and stupid stool nobody ever sat on, gone now from my life -

There is also a place for electronic crap, all those pieces of "must have" glowing screen junk that get wrapped up and shipped to some godforsaken place where they get recycled into new electronic crap-

The guys operating the dump are a pretty jovial lot, if a tad over weight, and if they have to change trucks there are always plenty of dumpsters at hand. They are not quite as satisfying since they don't crush the crap, but departure from my life is complete nonetheless. And, just to make the dump run a total joy, there is a fine Italian bakery just up the road. Makes for a fine morning.