Here in Pennsylvania, the "Land of Giants," just in time for Martin Luther King's day, one of our public servants wants to free us from all anti discrimination laws. This by amending the state constitution so that any discrimination is OK provided it is based on a "sincerely held belief" of the discriminator. That's any type of discrimination at all.
So any Pennsyltuckian mild minded nut ball who falls for some sort of tin foil hat crap on the internet can forget that his co-citizens have the same rights he does and act accordingly. Since I myself sincerely believe that rap music indicates a failure of the mind, I could deny a fan or practitioner of that genre housing, money, food, employment, or anything else. And I would be right to do so, since I sincerely believe that rap music sucks.
Please meet Pennsylvania State Rep Gordon Denlinger, from New Holland PA. He is a republican and an elder in his church, a graduate of Bob Jones U (is this outfit accredited yet??). He has been serving in the state House for ten years. A true denizen of the "Land of Giants."
["Land of Giants" is term coined, and a book published, by the great former Philadelphia Inquirer political columnist Steve Lopez. He has since moved on the LA Times and film fame in "the Soloist." His fine work is now carried on by John Baer of the Philadelphia Daily News.]